CelestialKnights vs. Jormungand (again)
Last night we took the night off from sky to go pay a visit to our dear friend atop Uleguerand Range. Jormungand was waiting for a beatdown.
Little brat seemed to be spamming Sleet Blast more than she did the previous times we've fought it. Annoying move, Gregale Wing too. Me and Aeron were on stun duty (competing to see who could stun Blizzaga III first >.>). Everyone did a really great job. Our tanks, Eulore, Rsouljah, Truegrave and Daineko did an awesome job working together.
The most important role of the fight, of course, the pop party, we owe a lot to. You guys did a really good job and only had problems maybe twice. This fight would be impossible without the effort given by all of you who participated in that party.
Anyways, we got her down to 11% and the pop party began to struggle a bit. Trying to help them out and not realizing the consequences, someone in main alliance ended up calling for help on a bomb, calling for help on Jorm. Mistakes happen, we'll consider it a severe lesson and learn from it. She would've gone down to us that night, and I'm sure we'll plan on paying her back again very soon =)
Also a big welcome to Tomasello to CK trial =) Very nice job on your first night with us^^

CelestialKnights also had a very productive night on Monday. We popped Ix'MNK (Gratz Aeron on the Merciful Cape, I'M NEXT!), a speedy Jailer of Faith (extreme improvement from our last two), and two Jailer of Hope, which are a tier 2 level of Jailer. Out of all of that we got a Merciful Cape, obviously 3 Jailer weapons, I think Faith dropped >.>, and we have 1/3 on a Jailer of Love pop now. Very good job on Sea guys! Hope to see more of you down there soon!

In Invictus news, we finally payed Windurst back and got our members a long overdue Windurst win. Several members acquired Beaucedine access. Congratulations to those who did =) Bastok on Saturday!
Now for my personal achievements! RDM is finally 60, and I will say, Zylia makes this job look good. Anyway, after having a few parties with WHM or SMN who aren't necessarily bad mages, but aren't as quick to notice mob-abilities affects (such as Paralyna or Slow), I've decided to pursue a WHM career, with SMN on the side. I think I will use SMN as my job to level up on my own time when nothing else is going on. WHM will be leveled hooooooopefully with a group of people I love and trust.
I think I'm going to swap my Dynamis main-job to BLM afterall. I was going to hold out and swap to RDM when I hit 70 on it, but I really would like to start getting my relic for my seemingly most-used job.
I also must thank my friends in CK and Invictus and my social KnightsOfBastok for helping me out to get my Igqira Huaraches. I had over 15 people attend a quickly amassed run to get this thing. We killed about 5 of them before it finally dropped. QM 4tw.
A huuuge thanks to Allexxa for synthesizing my Huaraches (and not HQing them so I didn't 1) go broke or 2) sell them and split gil with her some way and go find another shell ; ;). Full Igqira set, with all the yelling at me for getting boots that give +2Enmity! =D
Lovin' the Conserve MP+ on them though =) Mainly got them for situational equips such as drain/aspir (darkness+) and stoneskin/blink(enhancing+). We'll see how the set works out.

Also solo'd Snow Maiden yesterday for NO drop (and I was late to class because of it ;_;)

Thats all for today! ^^
Little brat seemed to be spamming Sleet Blast more than she did the previous times we've fought it. Annoying move, Gregale Wing too. Me and Aeron were on stun duty (competing to see who could stun Blizzaga III first >.>). Everyone did a really great job. Our tanks, Eulore, Rsouljah, Truegrave and Daineko did an awesome job working together.
The most important role of the fight, of course, the pop party, we owe a lot to. You guys did a really good job and only had problems maybe twice. This fight would be impossible without the effort given by all of you who participated in that party.
Anyways, we got her down to 11% and the pop party began to struggle a bit. Trying to help them out and not realizing the consequences, someone in main alliance ended up calling for help on a bomb, calling for help on Jorm. Mistakes happen, we'll consider it a severe lesson and learn from it. She would've gone down to us that night, and I'm sure we'll plan on paying her back again very soon =)
Also a big welcome to Tomasello to CK trial =) Very nice job on your first night with us^^

CelestialKnights also had a very productive night on Monday. We popped Ix'MNK (Gratz Aeron on the Merciful Cape, I'M NEXT!), a speedy Jailer of Faith (extreme improvement from our last two), and two Jailer of Hope, which are a tier 2 level of Jailer. Out of all of that we got a Merciful Cape, obviously 3 Jailer weapons, I think Faith dropped >.>, and we have 1/3 on a Jailer of Love pop now. Very good job on Sea guys! Hope to see more of you down there soon!

In Invictus news, we finally payed Windurst back and got our members a long overdue Windurst win. Several members acquired Beaucedine access. Congratulations to those who did =) Bastok on Saturday!
Now for my personal achievements! RDM is finally 60, and I will say, Zylia makes this job look good. Anyway, after having a few parties with WHM or SMN who aren't necessarily bad mages, but aren't as quick to notice mob-abilities affects (such as Paralyna or Slow), I've decided to pursue a WHM career, with SMN on the side. I think I will use SMN as my job to level up on my own time when nothing else is going on. WHM will be leveled hooooooopefully with a group of people I love and trust.
I think I'm going to swap my Dynamis main-job to BLM afterall. I was going to hold out and swap to RDM when I hit 70 on it, but I really would like to start getting my relic for my seemingly most-used job.
I also must thank my friends in CK and Invictus and my social KnightsOfBastok for helping me out to get my Igqira Huaraches. I had over 15 people attend a quickly amassed run to get this thing. We killed about 5 of them before it finally dropped. QM 4tw.
A huuuge thanks to Allexxa for synthesizing my Huaraches (and not HQing them so I didn't 1) go broke or 2) sell them and split gil with her some way and go find another shell ; ;). Full Igqira set, with all the yelling at me for getting boots that give +2Enmity! =D
Lovin' the Conserve MP+ on them though =) Mainly got them for situational equips such as drain/aspir (darkness+) and stoneskin/blink(enhancing+). We'll see how the set works out.

Also solo'd Snow Maiden yesterday for NO drop (and I was late to class because of it ;_;)

Thats all for today! ^^
At 7:59 PM,
Jediknight said…
omg you updated too! go go zyl!
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