C'est la update!
Yesterday Square had a 6 hour maintenance with a ton of new additions. Much to my ... delight and disappointment as well, they added three new Dynamis areas (Buburimu, Valkurm, and Qufim)
#1 These areas coincide with the normal town/field dynamises of the past.
#2 Completion of CoP 3-5 is required.
#3 ... No sub jobs while in this zone.
Also, these areas will give way to belts and capes that are dubbed Artifact. Our Dynamis Artifact gear can now be upgraded too! During the update, some were using data examiners to determine that indeed there were new HQ AF2 pieces in the .dat files. Very cool. Down side though, since these new Dynamises run concurrent with the old ones, coins will not be more numerous. They have gained new usage as well, so I can only invision the price of coins increasing further yet. Still, very positive update.
They also tried to avert MPK attempts by making mobs return home when unclaimed or unaggroed out of their radius. This kills BST players. All of them that I have spoken to are quite upset and I hope that SE does something to fix this hardship.
Cooking!!! This update provided two new Key Items for my craft ^.^ Patissier and Stewpot Mastery. I managed to get Patissier for 8k, but Stewpot I need to rebuild my GP which are still recovering from the recent purchase of my Culinarian's Apron. I tried out a few recipes, didn't get a screenshot of the gorgeous cakes I made, Gateau aux fraises (Strawberry cake in french) and the HQ Midwinter Dream. Here are some of the other Patissier related recipes. I was kind of disappointed on the stats on the said cake above. I still need to find where these new items are and attempt these, they are Adeptish level so may prove to be at least somewhat useful.

I gave Landstar one of the Gateaux aux Fraises just to show off my Patissier. He wants me to make him a HQ or High Level synth with my name on it, but I haven't the GP right now to do it. Still building and I'd love to get Stewpot Mastery asap. As a christmas gift, Landstar synthesized me a Tactician Magician's coat +1.

I could really use this as my blm is 47 and when I get home I hope to get it to at least 60. I camped Moldavite earring with the boyfriend a few days ago, claimed once, no drop. Second time some people came and CC'd right on its spawn time and ended up with claim. It kinda sucked but its not like our name was on the Gobby.
Dragoons also got a huge overhaul. Call Wyvern became an ability, while they earned a new two hour, Spirit Surge. This makes their jump abilities more potent. Jump lowers defense, High Jump kills some TP, and Super Jump reduces the person behind them's enmity by 1/2! I heard some complaining about the new 2hr, but to be honest in a fix it would be great. Thats what most of our two hours are for... sticky situations. Paladin can avoid all attacks and keep a mob on him while everyone else goes all out and he wont have to worry about hate problems. Thief have Perfect Dodge to get out of those fights where you just gotta get the hell out. White Mages have a full cure mechanisms. Black Mages don't need to rely on limited MP. Red Mages can repeatedly cast spells without delay. Warriors can knock off critical damage on mobs, Ninjas can try to finish a mob off by sacrificing themself, Samurai can use TP over and over again. It's not practical for full use during battle. Of course it isn't. In fact 9/10 times the only time I see a 2HR actually used is for impractical reasons. A person is fixing to leave the party so they 2HR. Black Mages use it to quickly D2 a party if they're going to bed. Red Mages use Chainspell to escape fast, rather than cast spells over and over again. White Mages randomly spam Benediction at the end of a fight when they dont feel like healing. 2HRs for the most part only truly come in handy in a fix. Dragoons in the slightest should not be complaining. This new 2HR is 40x more useful than just getting a Wyvern out every 2HRs. Now theres no reason that you will be gimped, as if your Wyvern dies you only have to wait a short time to regain your full strength. I applaud square for this change ^.^
Diabolos was added as a Summoner avatar. Also you can fight Bahamut now. I heard someone last night defeated him. I saw Diabolos last night and he is quite big when compared to Shiva or Garuda or the other summons. Very cool that a dark summon finally was added. We had Light, Wind, Water, Fire, Stone, Thunder, and Ice. Nice job getting a dark into the mix ^.^
They made some changes to the NPC system too, but to be honest, Yufafa is level 35 and she isn't going to level very quickly. I only level her when the opportunity seems good. I might level her pre-Dynamis Beaucedine when we start doing those. But I'm not going out of my way to level her.
My intentions when I get home are to get thief to 75. I really would love to be officially done with that job for a bit. Once I'm done with that, I may or may not pawn off some of my many equipment. I have so many slots I use for thief gear. Its overconsuming. With BLM staves on the horizon... I really need the extra space.
I can't wait to get home and be able to participate in alot more things.
#1 These areas coincide with the normal town/field dynamises of the past.
#2 Completion of CoP 3-5 is required.
#3 ... No sub jobs while in this zone.
Also, these areas will give way to belts and capes that are dubbed Artifact. Our Dynamis Artifact gear can now be upgraded too! During the update, some were using data examiners to determine that indeed there were new HQ AF2 pieces in the .dat files. Very cool. Down side though, since these new Dynamises run concurrent with the old ones, coins will not be more numerous. They have gained new usage as well, so I can only invision the price of coins increasing further yet. Still, very positive update.
They also tried to avert MPK attempts by making mobs return home when unclaimed or unaggroed out of their radius. This kills BST players. All of them that I have spoken to are quite upset and I hope that SE does something to fix this hardship.
Cooking!!! This update provided two new Key Items for my craft ^.^ Patissier and Stewpot Mastery. I managed to get Patissier for 8k, but Stewpot I need to rebuild my GP which are still recovering from the recent purchase of my Culinarian's Apron. I tried out a few recipes, didn't get a screenshot of the gorgeous cakes I made, Gateau aux fraises (Strawberry cake in french) and the HQ Midwinter Dream. Here are some of the other Patissier related recipes. I was kind of disappointed on the stats on the said cake above. I still need to find where these new items are and attempt these, they are Adeptish level so may prove to be at least somewhat useful.

I gave Landstar one of the Gateaux aux Fraises just to show off my Patissier. He wants me to make him a HQ or High Level synth with my name on it, but I haven't the GP right now to do it. Still building and I'd love to get Stewpot Mastery asap. As a christmas gift, Landstar synthesized me a Tactician Magician's coat +1.

I could really use this as my blm is 47 and when I get home I hope to get it to at least 60. I camped Moldavite earring with the boyfriend a few days ago, claimed once, no drop. Second time some people came and CC'd right on its spawn time and ended up with claim. It kinda sucked but its not like our name was on the Gobby.
Dragoons also got a huge overhaul. Call Wyvern became an ability, while they earned a new two hour, Spirit Surge. This makes their jump abilities more potent. Jump lowers defense, High Jump kills some TP, and Super Jump reduces the person behind them's enmity by 1/2! I heard some complaining about the new 2hr, but to be honest in a fix it would be great. Thats what most of our two hours are for... sticky situations. Paladin can avoid all attacks and keep a mob on him while everyone else goes all out and he wont have to worry about hate problems. Thief have Perfect Dodge to get out of those fights where you just gotta get the hell out. White Mages have a full cure mechanisms. Black Mages don't need to rely on limited MP. Red Mages can repeatedly cast spells without delay. Warriors can knock off critical damage on mobs, Ninjas can try to finish a mob off by sacrificing themself, Samurai can use TP over and over again. It's not practical for full use during battle. Of course it isn't. In fact 9/10 times the only time I see a 2HR actually used is for impractical reasons. A person is fixing to leave the party so they 2HR. Black Mages use it to quickly D2 a party if they're going to bed. Red Mages use Chainspell to escape fast, rather than cast spells over and over again. White Mages randomly spam Benediction at the end of a fight when they dont feel like healing. 2HRs for the most part only truly come in handy in a fix. Dragoons in the slightest should not be complaining. This new 2HR is 40x more useful than just getting a Wyvern out every 2HRs. Now theres no reason that you will be gimped, as if your Wyvern dies you only have to wait a short time to regain your full strength. I applaud square for this change ^.^
Diabolos was added as a Summoner avatar. Also you can fight Bahamut now. I heard someone last night defeated him. I saw Diabolos last night and he is quite big when compared to Shiva or Garuda or the other summons. Very cool that a dark summon finally was added. We had Light, Wind, Water, Fire, Stone, Thunder, and Ice. Nice job getting a dark into the mix ^.^
They made some changes to the NPC system too, but to be honest, Yufafa is level 35 and she isn't going to level very quickly. I only level her when the opportunity seems good. I might level her pre-Dynamis Beaucedine when we start doing those. But I'm not going out of my way to level her.
My intentions when I get home are to get thief to 75. I really would love to be officially done with that job for a bit. Once I'm done with that, I may or may not pawn off some of my many equipment. I have so many slots I use for thief gear. Its overconsuming. With BLM staves on the horizon... I really need the extra space.
I can't wait to get home and be able to participate in alot more things.
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