Fafnir Slayers!
After watching for a few days now some hardships at Fafnir... IE: Fafnir CFH killed (see Eulore's blog for a screenshot of him at 0% Orange -.-)... along with a few iffy-started kills by the regular shells (with a Spike Flail happening the day before our kill, even though they managed to pull it back together), it felt really good to hear Rsouljah scream 'I GOT IT!!!!' Kill took us about 40 minutes, which compared to the last few days went pretty smoothly. Apparently we got the 'hard Fafnir' last night, as my friend counted 14 wings, 3 right in a row (which managed to not obliterate us somehow XD). Positioning was good, attendance was good. Very proud and extremely happy to have finally claimed this biotch after waiting a week and some days to finally snag him again.
Drops are as follows!

More Pics!

Only more to come!!!
Monday was sea farming but got a late start due to our Fafnir claim. Ix'DRG was being an asshat and didn't pop. Still happy about our Fafnir claim, we just called it a night. Oh well!
CK also did a Proto-Omega run. We ganked him in about 4 minutes. Drops are as follows:

Congratulations to my fellow thief Moriarti at owning my lot XD and getting the Homam Corazza. Eulore and Daodao both botained Homam Gamberias (sp?) feets! We'll get more of them no worries!
Invictus went to Dynamis-Jeuno on Saturday. Awesome night, 49 attendees. I pulled for the first time in awhile. We cleared the mansion twice, the lower area twice, then had over 50 minutes remaining AFTER all of that when we killed the boss. Unfortunately some pulls linked badly and we ended up partially wiping, but Jeuno generally is annoying to pull after the win regardless of positioning. Drops were extremely well: whm whm whm blm brd drg drg mnk thf thf thf and possibly a few more that I'm forgetting >.>; 100c dropped as well and I lotted a 995 on it XD!

Welcome to all the new people! We'll get you set up for Beaucedine/Xarcabard as soon as possible.
After Limbus the other day I ran out to Onzozo to help 2 of my best friends in the game. I knew my 66 DRG friend wanted an Assault Jerkin pretty badly. While harassing the RMT CO: Wyle translating for me, we camped Ose. He popped after about an hour and dropped!!! Congratulations to you Durandarte on your Assault Jerkin!!! (forgot to take a screenie ; ;)
After that it was getting really late but me and Nekoi had ToD for Mysticmaker Profblix so I hung around. Finally spawned right behind me and I nailed em with a stun. After our 2-3rd kill it finally dropped for Nekoi ^^! Congratulations on your earring hun! Now level BLM !!!!!

Really eventful week but at least it made me smile.
Drops are as follows!

More Pics!

Only more to come!!!
Monday was sea farming but got a late start due to our Fafnir claim. Ix'DRG was being an asshat and didn't pop. Still happy about our Fafnir claim, we just called it a night. Oh well!
CK also did a Proto-Omega run. We ganked him in about 4 minutes. Drops are as follows:

Congratulations to my fellow thief Moriarti at owning my lot XD and getting the Homam Corazza. Eulore and Daodao both botained Homam Gamberias (sp?) feets! We'll get more of them no worries!
Invictus went to Dynamis-Jeuno on Saturday. Awesome night, 49 attendees. I pulled for the first time in awhile. We cleared the mansion twice, the lower area twice, then had over 50 minutes remaining AFTER all of that when we killed the boss. Unfortunately some pulls linked badly and we ended up partially wiping, but Jeuno generally is annoying to pull after the win regardless of positioning. Drops were extremely well: whm whm whm blm brd drg drg mnk thf thf thf and possibly a few more that I'm forgetting >.>; 100c dropped as well and I lotted a 995 on it XD!

Welcome to all the new people! We'll get you set up for Beaucedine/Xarcabard as soon as possible.
After Limbus the other day I ran out to Onzozo to help 2 of my best friends in the game. I knew my 66 DRG friend wanted an Assault Jerkin pretty badly. While harassing the RMT CO: Wyle translating for me, we camped Ose. He popped after about an hour and dropped!!! Congratulations to you Durandarte on your Assault Jerkin!!! (forgot to take a screenie ; ;)
After that it was getting really late but me and Nekoi had ToD for Mysticmaker Profblix so I hung around. Finally spawned right behind me and I nailed em with a stun. After our 2-3rd kill it finally dropped for Nekoi ^^! Congratulations on your earring hun! Now level BLM !!!!!

Really eventful week but at least it made me smile.
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