Kirin Revisited
With our newfound ability to manaburn down Kirin and his adds, with some coaxing and poking around at the leaders, they let me go thief and finally use my damned armlets lol.
Now, I have a slight theory about the elusive Treasure Hunter. Realistically, (lol yes I said realistically), when you think about what Treasure Hunter does is cause a mob to drop more items. A thief 'subbed in' at the last 10% of a kirin or a byakko only hits him a few times, doing maybe 400-700 DMG depending on turning, placement, speed of kill, etc, maybe a little more. Damaging a mob this much, how many items would you carve from his carcass? When you aren't in the entire that severely limits the time a thief would have to concentrate on pulling items from the mob. Now off from the realistic crap. I think the amount of damage a thief inflicts or at least time in the battle on top of the amount of treasure hunter really impacts how much treasure hunter influences drops. Though keeping a thief in for 100% rather than 10% of the fight may only increase the amount of Treasure Hunter by 5% or so (not good with numbers, don't ever quote those figures lol) that still increases the likelihood of good drops by some amount.
I'm at work for the moment so I'm lacking pictures, but I did take alot ^_^ I'll leave placeholders and eventually swap in my photographs later.
Our byakko was kind of crappy. Typhus was subbed in at the last 10% (but was told he would be dropped for the duration of the fight even though he died :P) and all we managed to get was e.feet which went to Briddy and a behemoth hide I think. Moved onto Kirin and I managed to be allowed to come on thief with my Treasure Hunter+. I think a few people were a little annoyed but I was happy ^^. I stayed in the fight the entire time, pulled hate a few times, outparsed the ninjars (lol but only because they died a few times and I had sam sub lawl!!!). It felt so good to actually be on thief again. We didn't drop him as fast but I think for 1 it was Earthsday making Kirin stronger, and Naotakun's Wild Card didn't score as well as it did last time. Kirin still died in about 9 minutes, which is better than our old hour time lol. Drops were superb ^_^

Kirin's Osode to Pauge, Shining Cloth to gilsplit and boom!!! Neptunal Abjuration: Body to meeeee!!!

I almost blew 1.4M on a cursed harness because I was so excited. After some coaxing from Moriarti and a few others though, I browsed Batallia Downs and got one for 1.1M. Sold my 100c for a bit less than I could've, but its okay, I can make gil easy enough if I work at it. I need to finally uncurse my N.hands now too. I really feel alot better about my thief after last night, and I think I'm going to put a few of my other jobs on hold until I start pouring some gil into it.

Me and Moriarti need Sirocco Kukuri's too D:
Anyways! Dynamis-Xarcabard on Saturday was a little sloppyish, but it was okay. Had a bunch of new people and we were a bit chaotic. But to no matter. Congratz to Beckham on his Sorcerer's Petasos and Suavdok on his Scout's Jerkin. Oh yeah, I won another 100C too >.>; Dynamis-Beaucedine wednesday I believe, see what kinda goodies we can get there ^_~
We went sea farming for a few hours last night. Got a merit point which I think I'm actually going to start pouring into my thief a bit. I have some points into my black magic, so why not start working up my baby job and make it better. I'm more inspired now. Though the merits still may come via BLM... though Moriarti is hitting me up for a thief burn to try out ma new harness ^_^
Going to get some work done I spose while its quiet! Pictures will show up later, so check back!
Now, I have a slight theory about the elusive Treasure Hunter. Realistically, (lol yes I said realistically), when you think about what Treasure Hunter does is cause a mob to drop more items. A thief 'subbed in' at the last 10% of a kirin or a byakko only hits him a few times, doing maybe 400-700 DMG depending on turning, placement, speed of kill, etc, maybe a little more. Damaging a mob this much, how many items would you carve from his carcass? When you aren't in the entire that severely limits the time a thief would have to concentrate on pulling items from the mob. Now off from the realistic crap. I think the amount of damage a thief inflicts or at least time in the battle on top of the amount of treasure hunter really impacts how much treasure hunter influences drops. Though keeping a thief in for 100% rather than 10% of the fight may only increase the amount of Treasure Hunter by 5% or so (not good with numbers, don't ever quote those figures lol) that still increases the likelihood of good drops by some amount.
I'm at work for the moment so I'm lacking pictures, but I did take alot ^_^ I'll leave placeholders and eventually swap in my photographs later.
Our byakko was kind of crappy. Typhus was subbed in at the last 10% (but was told he would be dropped for the duration of the fight even though he died :P) and all we managed to get was e.feet which went to Briddy and a behemoth hide I think. Moved onto Kirin and I managed to be allowed to come on thief with my Treasure Hunter+. I think a few people were a little annoyed but I was happy ^^. I stayed in the fight the entire time, pulled hate a few times, outparsed the ninjars (lol but only because they died a few times and I had sam sub lawl!!!). It felt so good to actually be on thief again. We didn't drop him as fast but I think for 1 it was Earthsday making Kirin stronger, and Naotakun's Wild Card didn't score as well as it did last time. Kirin still died in about 9 minutes, which is better than our old hour time lol. Drops were superb ^_^

Kirin's Osode to Pauge, Shining Cloth to gilsplit and boom!!! Neptunal Abjuration: Body to meeeee!!!

I almost blew 1.4M on a cursed harness because I was so excited. After some coaxing from Moriarti and a few others though, I browsed Batallia Downs and got one for 1.1M. Sold my 100c for a bit less than I could've, but its okay, I can make gil easy enough if I work at it. I need to finally uncurse my N.hands now too. I really feel alot better about my thief after last night, and I think I'm going to put a few of my other jobs on hold until I start pouring some gil into it.

Me and Moriarti need Sirocco Kukuri's too D:
Anyways! Dynamis-Xarcabard on Saturday was a little sloppyish, but it was okay. Had a bunch of new people and we were a bit chaotic. But to no matter. Congratz to Beckham on his Sorcerer's Petasos and Suavdok on his Scout's Jerkin. Oh yeah, I won another 100C too >.>; Dynamis-Beaucedine wednesday I believe, see what kinda goodies we can get there ^_~
We went sea farming for a few hours last night. Got a merit point which I think I'm actually going to start pouring into my thief a bit. I have some points into my black magic, so why not start working up my baby job and make it better. I'm more inspired now. Though the merits still may come via BLM... though Moriarti is hitting me up for a thief burn to try out ma new harness ^_^
Going to get some work done I spose while its quiet! Pictures will show up later, so check back!
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