The Imperial Age
After a 7 month break from FFXI, 6 months of which I spent playing World of Warcraft, me and my boyfriend decided to come back to the game, together. We are currently in Imperial and enjoying the relaxed environment.
I joined up with Dejavu's limbus shell. Very good way of running the shell, on average we pop omega every week, farming chips to work toward a new pop set. I also love that he splits up our group for several different zones, allowing us to cover more ground faster. Not to mention, the ability for black mages to low-man my favorite zone - the kings! It also boosts the overal coin count at the end of the day, which rocks. While I do want some pieces of what Ultima has to offer, Homam gear in general seems more time efficient to do. The Omega fight is much more clean. The Omega gear is much more beneficial. Either way I have to give kudos to Dejavu for bugging me and Drac to join his group XD.
I tried doing Salvage with Liefe's group for a few weeks. Wak said it'd be a good opportunity for me. I think I jumped the gun in joining though. While it was really fun to do and I enjoyed it, I really don't have time to reliably do assault. I'll infrequently attend Ariesol's assaults, but as far as a static I really don't have one. Rather than staying with the Salvage group and ruining my assault points I had already earned.. I backed out early. I have no Yigit gear at present time and really would like to work on it, as well as getting a few other pieces that might benefit my thief. Even if I could do Salvage reliably... I really don't have the time to farm for ores or anything once I do begin collecting the equipment pieces. Good luck to DeltaEnforcers and sorry that I couldn't remain a part of the group!
After dropping Assault from my schedule, I picked back up my Invictus pearl, attending Wednesday and Saturday. I've always liked Dynamis, and for Invictus it still is free and has a strict time limit. I feel bad after leaving Salvage for it, but Dynamis doesn't require extra time outside of the event, making it realistically less time and money consuming for me. I also have two jobs at 75 that have minimal equipment in terms of dynamis gear, with a third almost 75. Invictus at present time is one of the longest remaining linkshells on the server (has not been reformed or changed names, Peregrine quitting did not affect the linkshell other than a co-lead making a new pearl). While everyone likes to point at the fact that they haven't beaten the Dynamis Lord, the group itself is pretty content with how they are doing. We can take most Dynamis town-zones with minimal people (<18, did Dynamis-San D'Oria with around 13-15 people the other day). We can successfully win Beaucedine also with minimal people. Dynamis Xarcabard is farmable, defeating all NMs with the exception of Dynamis Lord himself. Most of us have a lot of different jobs, and while a low number of people may sound risky, overall most of us are more content as we have less competition for Relic. The bank has also began taking hundred coins when necessary, which for most of us is fine as long as we don't have to pay to get in. I have always loved and still love this group.
Alot of people showed up between the time I came back and present. Rigelus and Genjuro came back almost the same day. Jediknight was back playing again when I came back. Rsoul and Eulore managed to find a way to play again. Shaw came back the same day me and Dracoden did.
It seems that Wings of the Goddess is promising to deliver in ways that CoP and ToAU did not. Two new jobs have been announced, dancer and scholar. I intend to level dancer when it comes out if possible... but aside from that... the storyline looks amazing. I've researched some of the history of Vana'diel and it will be incredible to see how they adapt us adventurers into the Crystal War... It will be nice to see more of the heated rivalries that existed as well as see some familiar faces in situations that we had only heard about. I'm just so excited. Lacking content my ass =P... They're suppose to have a Conquest system similar to the current world's, based on how successful the factions are. It comes out in a few weeks, and the trailers look extremely promising. Just walking through zones like Batallia Downs, Rolanberry Fields and Sauromague Champlain and seeing their fortifications whole will in itself be an amazing sight. I'm very excited.
Anyways! I'm back after mooooonths.... and feeling much better about everything <3
I joined up with Dejavu's limbus shell. Very good way of running the shell, on average we pop omega every week, farming chips to work toward a new pop set. I also love that he splits up our group for several different zones, allowing us to cover more ground faster. Not to mention, the ability for black mages to low-man my favorite zone - the kings! It also boosts the overal coin count at the end of the day, which rocks. While I do want some pieces of what Ultima has to offer, Homam gear in general seems more time efficient to do. The Omega fight is much more clean. The Omega gear is much more beneficial. Either way I have to give kudos to Dejavu for bugging me and Drac to join his group XD.
I tried doing Salvage with Liefe's group for a few weeks. Wak said it'd be a good opportunity for me. I think I jumped the gun in joining though. While it was really fun to do and I enjoyed it, I really don't have time to reliably do assault. I'll infrequently attend Ariesol's assaults, but as far as a static I really don't have one. Rather than staying with the Salvage group and ruining my assault points I had already earned.. I backed out early. I have no Yigit gear at present time and really would like to work on it, as well as getting a few other pieces that might benefit my thief. Even if I could do Salvage reliably... I really don't have the time to farm for ores or anything once I do begin collecting the equipment pieces. Good luck to DeltaEnforcers and sorry that I couldn't remain a part of the group!
After dropping Assault from my schedule, I picked back up my Invictus pearl, attending Wednesday and Saturday. I've always liked Dynamis, and for Invictus it still is free and has a strict time limit. I feel bad after leaving Salvage for it, but Dynamis doesn't require extra time outside of the event, making it realistically less time and money consuming for me. I also have two jobs at 75 that have minimal equipment in terms of dynamis gear, with a third almost 75. Invictus at present time is one of the longest remaining linkshells on the server (has not been reformed or changed names, Peregrine quitting did not affect the linkshell other than a co-lead making a new pearl). While everyone likes to point at the fact that they haven't beaten the Dynamis Lord, the group itself is pretty content with how they are doing. We can take most Dynamis town-zones with minimal people (<18, did Dynamis-San D'Oria with around 13-15 people the other day). We can successfully win Beaucedine also with minimal people. Dynamis Xarcabard is farmable, defeating all NMs with the exception of Dynamis Lord himself. Most of us have a lot of different jobs, and while a low number of people may sound risky, overall most of us are more content as we have less competition for Relic. The bank has also began taking hundred coins when necessary, which for most of us is fine as long as we don't have to pay to get in. I have always loved and still love this group.
Alot of people showed up between the time I came back and present. Rigelus and Genjuro came back almost the same day. Jediknight was back playing again when I came back. Rsoul and Eulore managed to find a way to play again. Shaw came back the same day me and Dracoden did.
It seems that Wings of the Goddess is promising to deliver in ways that CoP and ToAU did not. Two new jobs have been announced, dancer and scholar. I intend to level dancer when it comes out if possible... but aside from that... the storyline looks amazing. I've researched some of the history of Vana'diel and it will be incredible to see how they adapt us adventurers into the Crystal War... It will be nice to see more of the heated rivalries that existed as well as see some familiar faces in situations that we had only heard about. I'm just so excited. Lacking content my ass =P... They're suppose to have a Conquest system similar to the current world's, based on how successful the factions are. It comes out in a few weeks, and the trailers look extremely promising. Just walking through zones like Batallia Downs, Rolanberry Fields and Sauromague Champlain and seeing their fortifications whole will in itself be an amazing sight. I'm very excited.
Anyways! I'm back after mooooonths.... and feeling much better about everything <3
At 6:35 PM,
Jediknight said…
woot update, more! =p
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