Week in review <3
So whats happened. Week in recap~
-------------------------------------Hydra (CK Style)-----------------------------------------
CK went up against Hydra, the super secret HNM that no one ever kills. And with good reason. MFER IS ANNOYING!

Stats on this creep...
Begins with 3 heads, each head boosts the mob. Gotta love AI mob defense mechanisms -.-
Either way, we died and gave up. It was a fun fight even though we totally got maulga'd.
------------------------------Dynamis-Xarcabard (Invictus-Style)-----------------------------
Invictus attempted Dynamis Lord on Wednesday. The run went awesome. Duelist Chapeau dropped off a normal mob, SMG ended up winning lot.
And Cher's victorious moment:
I had to brighten it because I toned my tell colors down so I could talk smack about my roomie without her noticing...

But I will definitley say <3

Darkfalcon leading the pack XD!

This time around Ying and Yang died at exactly the same time, by a aga from one of our fine blms! Good work guys! We got em down now =)

One of my only screenies from the DL fight. We got it to about 60%. Gotta do some adjustments on positioning and whatnot, maybe work out a few skillchains and stuff. It can only improve. Most of us pretty well knew going into this it was going to be a best-effort attempt. The leaders were all very satisfied with the run and can't wait to attempt it again very soon. When we killed all the dragons, we had an hour left going into Ying and Yang. Time meant nothing for us, work on the DL strategy and we'll have Xarcabard won!

Side Note...
Attention to Invictus members lacking CoP access:
I'm planning out a Dynamis-Buburimu run sometime in November. Working out the lotting situation and whatnot, will keep posted on it. Try to get to chapter 4 (defeat CoP Diabolos) so that you can attend!
-------------------------------------Hydra (CK Style)-----------------------------------------
CK went up against Hydra, the super secret HNM that no one ever kills. And with good reason. MFER IS ANNOYING!

Stats on this creep...
Begins with 3 heads, each head boosts the mob. Gotta love AI mob defense mechanisms -.-
Either way, we died and gave up. It was a fun fight even though we totally got maulga'd.
------------------------------Dynamis-Xarcabard (Invictus-Style)-----------------------------
Invictus attempted Dynamis Lord on Wednesday. The run went awesome. Duelist Chapeau dropped off a normal mob, SMG ended up winning lot.
And Cher's victorious moment:
I had to brighten it because I toned my tell colors down so I could talk smack about my roomie without her noticing...

But I will definitley say <3

Darkfalcon leading the pack XD!

This time around Ying and Yang died at exactly the same time, by a aga from one of our fine blms! Good work guys! We got em down now =)

One of my only screenies from the DL fight. We got it to about 60%. Gotta do some adjustments on positioning and whatnot, maybe work out a few skillchains and stuff. It can only improve. Most of us pretty well knew going into this it was going to be a best-effort attempt. The leaders were all very satisfied with the run and can't wait to attempt it again very soon. When we killed all the dragons, we had an hour left going into Ying and Yang. Time meant nothing for us, work on the DL strategy and we'll have Xarcabard won!

Side Note...
Attention to Invictus members lacking CoP access:
I'm planning out a Dynamis-Buburimu run sometime in November. Working out the lotting situation and whatnot, will keep posted on it. Try to get to chapter 4 (defeat CoP Diabolos) so that you can attend!