In my previous post, I eluded to the idea of getting myself a Sirocco Kukri. The day after that post I wandered my ass out to Teriggan, no idea when ToD was, and pitched my tent. No one was around which kind of worried me, but kind of didn't. I sat and sat, always got very excited when wind weather appeared. I was there for 9 hours, and figured the window had to be open... 3 hours later still no pop. I ended up spending 14 hours at Kreutzet before he popped. When he did pop, CC had JUST shown up and pulled a manticore. Thanks to Wakmidget's sleepy but vigilant eyes...

7:30 AM (this is a few days ago so don't even bother ToDing this XDXD) it died... >.o thats the longest camp of an NM I've ever endured.

And boom!

Thank you so much to all the members of CK who either touched base with the camp or endured the entire thing. Mine as well as my linkshell's efforts to camp this thing paid off greatly. The next spawn CK returned there. I had a Bahamut BCNM to go to, so I missed this one. Moriarti and a smaller group of CKs not attending Bahamut claimed Kreutzet (I'm told Nekoi claimed) and Moriarti's Kukri dropped. The next window we were outclaimed by a 66 THF.. next window again (but by a friend so I can't beat him up for any reason! but you meanie you outclaimed my ls! lol). The next morning we had no CC so we got Rimare's alternate character Voxx his Sirocco.

Chantal, Typhus and Pauge still need theirs, but I think we've lost the ToD ; ; We'll work on it again. The knife is definitely well worth the effort.
We also did some sky farming on Saturday in CK. Two BB's, Two Seiryu (2 A.legs, 1 W.hands, 1 Seriyu's Kote... I think that was about it..), and a Faust. Not bad but Ullik and Zip are the two we need most right now ; ; ahands where!!!!
Saturday night was supposed to be Invictus' Beaucedine, but ThirdStage once again dodged us, so we said screw it and just literally winged Valkurm XD It was fun as hell. We got RDM boots too so it wasn't a complete waste! lol...
Sunday was Proto-Omega night. Hoping and praying for a Homam Corazza, our wishes were not met;; but still Omega Hind Leg and Tail dropped. Eulore won the lot on the Hind Leg (which i want!!!) and I somehow won the Tail with a 600 lol. 2/5 Homam now! Starting up Temenos and Proto-Ultima path next week... good times!

Last night Gaillardia (our Japanese member whose practicing his English to an extent^^) was logging in Mamook when he stumbled across a mamool ja NM called Hundredfaced Hapool Ja. After looking up info about it, we rallied CK and took about 12 people there. We already had a manaburn in progress, so we ended up having 6 black mages in attendance, awesome! The photos speak for itself, its a crazy NM that clones itself >.<

TKO first round lol...
Second round go!!!

To my understanding... it drops a Katana. Not a ninja so no idea how good it is. Just one of those you hear about it and you just want to go beat it up type of things XD Gaillardia was shocked to see that so many CK showed up XDXD.

7:30 AM (this is a few days ago so don't even bother ToDing this XDXD) it died... >.o thats the longest camp of an NM I've ever endured.

And boom!

Thank you so much to all the members of CK who either touched base with the camp or endured the entire thing. Mine as well as my linkshell's efforts to camp this thing paid off greatly. The next spawn CK returned there. I had a Bahamut BCNM to go to, so I missed this one. Moriarti and a smaller group of CKs not attending Bahamut claimed Kreutzet (I'm told Nekoi claimed) and Moriarti's Kukri dropped. The next window we were outclaimed by a 66 THF.. next window again (but by a friend so I can't beat him up for any reason! but you meanie you outclaimed my ls! lol). The next morning we had no CC so we got Rimare's alternate character Voxx his Sirocco.

Chantal, Typhus and Pauge still need theirs, but I think we've lost the ToD ; ; We'll work on it again. The knife is definitely well worth the effort.
We also did some sky farming on Saturday in CK. Two BB's, Two Seiryu (2 A.legs, 1 W.hands, 1 Seriyu's Kote... I think that was about it..), and a Faust. Not bad but Ullik and Zip are the two we need most right now ; ; ahands where!!!!
Saturday night was supposed to be Invictus' Beaucedine, but ThirdStage once again dodged us, so we said screw it and just literally winged Valkurm XD It was fun as hell. We got RDM boots too so it wasn't a complete waste! lol...
Sunday was Proto-Omega night. Hoping and praying for a Homam Corazza, our wishes were not met;; but still Omega Hind Leg and Tail dropped. Eulore won the lot on the Hind Leg (which i want!!!) and I somehow won the Tail with a 600 lol. 2/5 Homam now! Starting up Temenos and Proto-Ultima path next week... good times!

Last night Gaillardia (our Japanese member whose practicing his English to an extent^^) was logging in Mamook when he stumbled across a mamool ja NM called Hundredfaced Hapool Ja. After looking up info about it, we rallied CK and took about 12 people there. We already had a manaburn in progress, so we ended up having 6 black mages in attendance, awesome! The photos speak for itself, its a crazy NM that clones itself >.<

TKO first round lol...
Second round go!!!

To my understanding... it drops a Katana. Not a ninja so no idea how good it is. Just one of those you hear about it and you just want to go beat it up type of things XD Gaillardia was shocked to see that so many CK showed up XDXD.